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Academics & Education

I graduated from the University of Tennessee in December of 2001 with a Bachelor of Science degree in both Honors Mathematics and Computer Science and in December of 2004 with a Master of Science in Computer Science. At the University of Tennessee, I participated in the University Honors Program and maintained a 4.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA) during my undergraduate studies - earning Summa Cum Laude and graduating as the Top Graduate in Natural Sciences Division of the College of Arts and Sciences.

Honors & Awards

University of Tennessee

  • Top Graduate in Natural Sciences Division of the College of Arts and Sciences
  • Provost Award - University of Tennessee Citation for Extraordinary Academic Achievement
  • Bicentennial Scholarship / Chancellor's Scholars - Selection for these scholarships is based on academic performance and on academic and professional promise. In addition to required work in the College of Arts and Sciences, Chancellor's Scholars must complete a minimum of four honors courses during their first two years; complete a one-credit honors seminar each term in residence; and complete a senior honors project of merit and originality under the direction of a faculty mentor.
  • Phi Beta Kappa, Epsilon of Tennessee Chapter - Phi Beta Kappa is the oldest of the national honor societies. Members are elected from candidates for degrees in the liberal arts and sciences, usually from the upper tenth of the graduating class.
  • Pi Mu Epsilon - Honors Mathematics Fraternity - Pi Mu Epsilon is a non-secret organization whose purpose is the promotion of scholarly activity in mathematics among students in academic institutions, and among the staffs of qualified non-academic institutions. It aims to do this by:

    1. electing members on an honorary basis according to their proficiency in mathematics,
    2. by engaging in activities designed to promote the mathematical and scholarly development of its members,
    3. by taking any other measures which will further the purpose above stated.
  • Golden Key National Honors Society - The mission of Golden Key National Honor Society, a nonprofit academic honors organization, is to recognize and encourage scholastic achievement and excellence in all undergraduate fields of study, to unite with faculty and administrators in developing and maintaining high standards of education, to provide economic assistance to outstanding members by means of both undergraduate and graduate scholarships, and to promote altruistic conduct through voluntary service.

  • J.P. and Gladys Maples Mathematics Scholarship - J.P. and Gladys Maples set up their scholarship endowment fund to encourage scholastic excellence.

  • Lucille and Herbert Lee Scholarship - These awards have been awarded annually since 1986 to sophomore and junior mathematics majors with outstanding records of academic achievement. They are made in memory of the Lee's, who generously provided an endowment to support these awards.

Lenoir City High School

  • Valedictorian - Honors Diploma, 1997
  • Hartsook Activity Award – extracurricular activities
  • Mathematics Student of the Year 1997
  • Physics Award
  • Senior Science Award
  • Woodmen of the World History Award

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I will bow down . . . and will praise your name for your love and your faithfulness. - Psalm 138:2